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Think You’re Stuck in a Style Rut? Here’s How to Get Out!

Now, there might be a hundred different reasons as to why a man dresses up the way he does, why certain trends are favored over others and why a man makes a certain type of sartorial choices. The reason can be anything from trying to impress boss at work or that hot girl at the bar. Most men would get furious if it is suggested that they dress a certain way to garner a nod of approval from their peers.  But doesn’t it feel nice to be noticed and appreciated for the way one dresses up? Well, whatever the reason may be…they key is to not holding on to one trend for a very long time! Yes, we are pointing towards plaid shirts.

Everybody loves flannel shirts and men practically live in it. No, we are not suggesting that you stuff it in the drawer and forget about it because in 2016 this trend has been revived in a big way and is made available in myriad tie-and-dye color combinations that are absolutely smashing. Even lumbersexuals are winning brownie points over metrosexuals! But wearing these shirts the same way, every day would just indicate that you are stuck. Move on!! Let us show you how to move on while taking this trend forward.

oversized flannel

Move Over Fitted Shirts…Welcome Oversized!

The key to impeccable style has always been and will be fitted clothes. But this fashion season is all about being bold, experimental and self-expression. A little rugged, maybe! We are hinting at going understated and wearing womens oversized flannel shirts for flaunting that ‘I-don’t-care’ attitude and look. But to completely nail this oversized style, we have some helpful tips.

  • Oversize Everything? No! Oversized plaids are in vogue but do not team it up with baggy trousers. Go for slim or fitted denims and pants to sort of bring about a balance to the overall ensemble. Over-sizing everything in your outfit would just send you back a few years and trust us, not in a good way!
  • Modest is Key: Don’t complicate your outfit. Keep it simple. Look for colors that are not too flashy but just enough to help you stand out from the crowd. Maybe team it up with a beanie or a pair of nice, cool shades and awesome shoes!

There are like over hundred ways to dress up a flannel shirt and there is a plaid to suit every taste. Dip your toes in the oversized bandwagon by getting in touch with a flannel shirt supplier. Confidence will uplift you! For inspiration on how to be daring, look at Jaden Smith.

Pride Month Flannel Fashion Explore The Trendy Collection Of Men’s Summer Flannel Shirts Embrace Cozy Style with Flannel Fashion – Wholesale Flannel The Ultimate Guide to Trending Flannel Clothing Styles in 2024